Live Webinar:

Customizing Retail Checkout with Shopify POS

August 8, 2024 @ 11AM PACIFIC

Webinar: Extending Shopify Checkout with POS Retail Data

Signup To Get Your Link To The FREE Webinar

Join us live on August 8th at 11 am Pacific.

Ask questions, watch the webinar and have fun!

Featuring Alexandra from the Shopify Retail POS Team


Do you need extra data on your Shopify POS checkout? Adding custom data points to your POS checkout gives your staff and ERP integration actionable insights. Learn how to use customizations and apps to extend your Shopify POS checkout and data powerful data points to your retail process.


Join the fun and let's talk about Shopify POS.


Join us live on August 8th at 11 am Pacific.

Featuring Alexandra from the Shopify Retail POS Team

Free Shopify Webinar - Signup Below:


Live Streaming Webinar With Q&A

Aug 8th webinar Shopify POS checkout

Who Should Attend this Event?

Any merchant looking to extend the data and relevancy of their Shopify POS checkout!


The online event will cover:


  • Adding custom data to POS checkout.

  • Adding fees: How to add handling fees to checkout

  • Staff attribution to ensure staff gets commissions

  • Require data collection at POS checkout